Tuesday, April 25, 2017

SBAC IS Coming to Classtopia

Classtopians are getting ready for the SBAC. This is a big test to show all that we have learned during the school year. It is very important for us to do well. I guess it will make our school look good if we do a good job. All over the school signs and posters are pasted on the walls.

The most important thing is that we come to school every day that week. The test will begin for us on May 1st. We will take Mathematics and English Language Arts.

Eating breakfast and getting plenty of rest are also important to doing well. Another thing we can do is to stay calm and not panic when questions are difficult. We have been Practicing the Three Reads that we will use to completely understand what to do. The first read is to read once to understand the story. The second read is to understand the math/story. The third read is to make a plan. I think that if we use these strategies then all of us can exceed the standards.

To get ready our school had a Pep Rally for the SBAC. It was great. One of the 5th graders, Amayrami, sang the National Anthem. She has a great voice. Everyone was shocked. There were also students who rapped and the dance troupe performed.

The best part of the Rally was when the principal announced the students who exceeded the exam last year. Classtopians that were called were, Aiden Adrian, Alyssa, Diana, Daniela, Natalia (me), Sergio, and last but not least Brianna. I put her last because she had two perfect scores on the exam last year. She is the best role model in Classtopia.

Good Luck Classtopians. Remember to do your very best!


  1. What I learned is that if you study you learn new things

  2. This shows that proof reading can get you better grades.

  3. This is about preppering for tests.

  4. What I learned from this entry is that without The Three Reads I can get you to understand things you have never understand and that is what I have learned.

  5. What I learned is to study sleep early and eat a good breakfast is a good start before the sbac

  6. I learned is to do the 3 reads, and eat healthy breakfast.

  7. What I learned is that To study makes you smarter.

  8. I remember that I was really nervous while doing the test, but when I did the 3 reads I was more calm.

  9. This blog has showed me many ways to get ready for SBAC like eat a good breakfast and to sleep early.

  10. This blog showed me ways of getting ready before the sbac and helped a lot.

  11. This entry helped us get ready for the SBAC.

  12. This entry helped me get ready for the SBAC.

  13. I hope i did exceed the standards.

  14. I really enjoyed preparing and learned a bunch of stuff.
