Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Wow....... Already

Oh……  all the memories we have shared. And now today is the day were we look back at them. Many are special to me and maybe to you. I have prospered like a flower in the garden. And all the experiences that I have felt make me special.

The one that makes me special and that makes me happy is the day when I found out that I was nominated the head of “Book Department”. This experience taught me many things. Like how to run a group of people, to be more independent, to be able to assign a group of people to a job and how to work with a team as well as engage with them.

My other favorite day was Native American day. I liked this day because I was able to take part in all the amazing activities, take pictures capture them and remember them. But my most favorite part was the day we got the Chromebooks. I liked this day the best because it was “5 de Mayo” and without these Chromebooks Classtopia would not be the same.

So once more this day will be remember not just from me but from you too. I will remember this day as a holiday and I know this nation will grow more than ever.

1 comment:

  1. It is good that you know that you have to have responsibilities in order to run a group of people.
