Monday, October 30, 2017

Halloween Alter

On October 31st, my mom and I will be decorating our altar for day of the dead!!! We decorate our altar with all different kinds of fruits, like guavas, banana, pineapple, apple, oranges, jicama, persimmon, and tangerines. We also put aguinaldos. If you don't know what that is, then I will explain it to you. An aguinaldo is a kind of decorations like tables with every kind of foods on it, except it is not real. We also put sugar skulls with lots of decorations on it.

Another thing we put is, this kind of pot with candy glued on it because it is not real. The last thing we put is, a bowl with rice, chicken, and mole. We buy this kind of bread, that is called bread of the dead, which they call in Spanish Pan De Muerto. We put another table under the alter because we put food there for the dead. I hope our plan turns out great and I hope I will enjoy helping my mom.  


  1. This year, we are going to do a simple alter.

  2. Really, Wow!! We usually do a lot of work for our alter!!
