Tuesday, June 5, 2018

A Very Weird Day

It was going to be another fun day in my amazing fifth grade class ( I thought ). The day was going perfectly fine. We were comparing two poems one from Walt Whitman and one from Langston Hughes. As the bell rung for recess everybody ran out of the door. I was the last one to leave the classroom. As I was closing the door to go in the hallway I turned around and blinked as the door of the classroom closed. When I open my eyes I could not believe what I was seeing.

It was so weird. The classroom was not there instead there was a store . The top of the store had words that read “Arizona Neighborhood Store”. I was so lost. I nearly fainted. I looked around to see if I knew anybody. It looked to be Spring. I could not find anybody that I knew but then I saw a woman walking out of the shop. She was about 5.5. She was wearing a yellow blouse. She was also holding two plastic bags filled with ingredients. I just saw the big bag of flour.

Then I looked down at my clothes. I was wearing a white T-shirt and some khakis.  When I looked back up the street that I was on was busy. A whole bunch of horses and buggies came down the street. Then a man passed by and asked me “Are you lost son?” He was Awfully tall. He was wearing slacks a white dress shirt and khaki pants. I responded by saying “Yes, I am sir”. I then asked “ What year is it?” He said “Why it’s 1867.” My heart just dropped. I then told him “Thank you.”
I could hear a little crack in my voice. Then he walked away. I was filled with fear. I then roamed around for about five minutes. I need to get back to my school and to 2018 quick, but I did not know what to do. Then I had a certain urge to use the restroom.  I went into the store to see if they had a restroom in there for the public. Fortunately they did!

I hurried in there and blinked as I shut the door. When I opened my eyes I was in a stall. Once I got out of the stall to wash my hands, I saw a bunch of kids playing outside of the restroom. I looked down at myself and I noticed that I was in my school uniform. I was shocked again. I was back at school . But then I remembered I had to get to class and quick. When I got upstairs to class school was over for the past five minutes. Everyone was still in the class including my wonderful teacher. My teacher asked me " Where were you"! so I told her the truth. The class also heard and thought I was crazy. That was the last time I ever used the school bathroom.

I have learned a lesson from this never blink while doors are being closed.

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