Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The Bathroom Frog

Chapter 1
Home Alone

Once upon a time a little boy named Alex, he lived in a cabin in the woods. His mom and dad were on vacation to Hawaii but they trusted Alex to stay home by himself. He was kind of surprised when he heard them say that because he can never stay alone in the house. It was the first day of being alone, he said “Ah, this is gonna be paradise”, but he was kinda getting hungry, he heard his stomach growling, “Good thing mom left $100 and there is a lot of sandwiches in the fridge. Why would they give me $100...Whatever” he grabbed 2 sandwiches because he was really hungry. He looked at the time and it was almost 7:00 AM, his bedtime was 7:00 to 8:00, and he was getting tired. He fell asleep on the couch and started dreaming about him and a frog dancing, he woke up at midnight.

Chapter 2
Midnight Problem

He woke up not that tired, he tried to go to sleep, but  he kept hearing croaking coming from the bathroom. He walked towards the bathroom. He was kind of scared while he was walking towards the bathroom, he reached the bathroom scared, when he turned on the lights saw a frog in the bathtub and got so scared he was screaming ”AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!”. He ran to the phone and called the exterminator the, exterminator picked up the phone “Hello” said the exterminator, “Come I have $50 to kill a frog” said Alex, “What a deal. I’m on my way.”. Alex ran to the $100 and grabbed $50 from it. The exterminator knocked on the door, Alex thought in his head “That fast?”. Alex opened the door, the exterminator was big tall and scary, he asked “where’s the frog”, and Alex said “in the bathroom like i said on the phone”. He walked towards the bathroom and saw the frog he ran after but the frog moved and the exterminator bumped his head, then he tried again but the frog jumped out the window and he bumped his head again.

Chapter 3
Uh Oh

The exterminator raised the bill higher to $100 because he bumped his head on a wall twice. alex ran to the $100 and grabbed the rest, he gave it to the exterminator. The exterminator left with the money, “well.. At least i have a bunch of food”. The next day Alex woke up to get the mail and one of them was a bill and it said it is due today and it cost $100, “I was so dumb to spend it all on a frog, now i have to go over there and tell them i can’t pay”. When he reached the post office he told them he couldn’t but they said “we will get your home then” “uh oh” said alex, in his head he was thinking about what his parents will say once they hear this so he begged but it didn’t work and he had to go back home and pack. Once he got backed home and packed they knocked on the door and told him “we are here for your house until you pay the $100 so get out” once got out he went in the woods.

Chapter 4
Oh it’s you

While in the woods he saw a lake, in that lake there were beautiful ducks and swans then a frog jumped out the water and it was the same frog that spent all his money when it was not even dead, he said “Get away i am mad now!!” the frog turned his head like he didn’t know why. Then for some strange reason the frog started dancing, Alex said “Wait… what you are the frog from my dreams” the frog smiled like he understood. All the animals started coming and giving money that they found in the woods. “We can raise enough money for my house!!!” said Alex, the frog shook his head, so they headed out for the city where everyone was once they reached a place where there was rich people, they looked at each other and  started dancing. They were there dancing and they got $30. Some people were disgusted by the frog but the needed $60 more dollars in order to get $100. They went to another area and got $40. The next day they headed out for the city and got $10. Alex said “I think we should go somewhere else all these people already know about our dance. But where should we go… oh i know the museum, a lot of people go there and it’s just down a few blocks away” so they headed for the museum. At the museum it was so hot so they got tired in ten minutes and only made $1. They were so tired and wanted just 10 dollars.

Chapter 5
Dancing With Frogs

A few minutes later his mom and dad texted him and said “pick us up at the airport we are almost hear” when he heard that he started dancing and tried so hard, but was not making no progress, the frog saw him trying so hard he started dancing with him to help, everyone was amazed at the dancing frog they started giving lots of money and raised $20 in 5 minutes. He picked up the frog, ran to the cabin told the dealers but they said “$10 more dollars for interest” he counted the money and had $111 and gave it all to him and Alex said “keep the change!” his heart was beating so fast he got some roller skates, put the frog down, and said i'm going to the airport stay here and i'll ask my parents if we can keep you”, the frog shook his head yes. Alex roller skated to the airport and saw his parents coming out the plane. He ran to the plane and saw them, and they said “hey Alex what have you been doing” “Oh... nothing” he said while being so exhausted. They said “ohh… umm.. let’s go back to the house” once they got to the house they said “do you have the keys to the house” in Alex’s mind he was thinking “Uh Oh I left the keys in the house”. But then the frog opened the door. “There are my keys… hehehehe” said Alex “Ok?” nodded his parents. “How did a frog just open a door” “Long Story Just sit down and I will tell you everything you will need to know” said alex nervously.

Chapter 6
A New Member

“Sooooo… can I keep him”, there was a moment of silence, but then they decided and what they said was “yes, we needed a new family member anyways” I was so excited I grabbed the frog and we started dancing. “The frog can dance?” asked my parents “Yup I …… Uhh …… tought him” “Ok lets got to the store and buy stuff for the frog said Alex's parents, and like that there was a new family member.

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