Wednesday, September 6, 2017

How My Plants Are Doing

In October, we created terrariums in our classroom. We put soil and then some moss in some empty water bottles. Then, we sprinkled some seeds. I kept mine, and it grew. We had 3 water bottles, but only one has something growing in it. It looks like a cactus, and is really tall. I have opened the bag, and will soon plant it.

It looks like a cactus.

Then, in March, we made another terrarium. In this one we had Scadoxus seeds, an aloe, and some succulents. My Scadoxus and my aloe grew.

My aloe

My Scadoxus.

In May, my teacher gave each Classtopian a pot and succulents in them. It was for mother's day. Once I saw that they had roots, I planted them. Some have gotten tall.

Last year, our teacher gave everyone Four o' clock seeds. The flower only opens up at 4. I got 2 seeds, and planted them on a Saturday. Nothing has grown, until this summer, I saw that something was growing! Now, they are a little bit small, but one of them has a flower on it! It is white. It is hanging down a little, but it is okay.

Then, my teacher gave me a pot with another 4 o' clock plant. There is also a succulent. The 4 o' clock plant was tilted, so I got a Popsicle stick to straighten it up. But then, it just snapped up! The stem dried up, and I thought it was dead, but then, in August, I saw that it had some leaves! I was so glad that the plant had not died!

This 4 o' clock plant is not in great shape, but it will get better.

This is called Frog Legs.

This one used to be short!

This one is my favorite because it has little spots on it.

I bought this plant at the Arboretum. 

I am glad that I have plants at home, and I hope to expand my little garden.