Friday, September 8, 2017

Little Terrariums

Today in Classtopia we used our math/science time to put seeds in our terrariums.

On Tuesday, we had cut the water bottles so that they were ready. On Tuesday we also made the soil ready. We mixed the soil with pumice, perlite, and peat moss. We filled the water bottles two thirds full with soil, then we watered them. We left them in the classroom in a bin, to let the water drain out.

Finally, today we put the seeds inside the bottles. The seeds are a little powder, so we used a Q-tip to sprinkle them.  One type of seeds needed moss, Columnea Elmer Lorenz, so we got the moss ready. Then, we just closed the tops, and we were done. For the extra seeds that needed moss, we made a a mix of only pumice and moss on top.  Everything was finally done!

 I hope that everyone's grows.

Here is the list of the choices that each person got to choose from:

Columnea Elmer Lorenz
Anthurium scandens
Tillandsia stricta  (We are going to plant them on a log and a piece of bark.)
Aloe kedongensis
Aloe nyeriensis
Echeveria gibbiflora
Echeveria maybe crossed with E. coccinea,  E. rosea

This is how the mix looks in the bottles.

This is the ready sphagnum moss mix.

These are the bottles of a Classtopian.

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