Thursday, September 28, 2017

Seeds Through The Insignia Lens

Today, I will buy some Aloe seeds. The mixed Aloe seeds are from The. The has a Ziploc bag with  Echeveria seeds, too. The seeds are different types of Aloes. I have one Aloe at my house, so I wanted to get more. I am curious to know what the Aloes will look like.  I kind of want it to be a little bit small, since I already have one.

Also, I will buy Echeveria seeds. I will make a little terrarium with water bottles, just like we have done in class before. I think that the seeds are Echeveria Gibbiflora. We have this pant in our garden, and I hope my plant will look as nice as that one. Maybe, It would look even better!  Plants from seeds are way cooler to grow because the plants could be better than what you have already.

To buy the seeds, you have to say how many pennies you will pay for the seeds. It is five cents for a pinch of seeds. So, I will pay twenty-five cents for Echeveria seeds, and ten cents for the mixed Aloe seeds. 

I really hope that my seeds will grow, and that the Echeveria will flower. 

These are my Echeveria seeds taken by Jessica with the macro lens. 
These are my Aloe seeds taken by Jessica with the wide angle lens 

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