Friday, May 5, 2017

The Best Day Ever for Classtopians Big Suprise

Today was the best day ever for Classtopians because So Cal Helpful Honda Random Acts of Helpfulness people came to our classroom. Before they came in, there were people filming. We did not know who they were at first. We just kept on doing our lesson. Then the door opened and the people came in.

We got 24 white Chromebooks from Honda. I was so happy to get Chromebooks I cried.

Classtopians have always wanted to have our own computers to do all the things we have to do especially our entries for our Blog.

The future is here!

These are the Helpful Honda People.


  1. Congratulations!!! My class was jealous of ur class lol ��! By the way this is from Lynet ��

  2. this proves that if you work hard, you'll get something in return.

  3. This says hard work pays off.

  4. This blog is just like others but this blog doesn't have enough details like others.

  5. We need more details for this blog in order for it to explain more.

  6. You need to explain and give more details.

  7. I agree with Jessica.

  8. It is true, with the Chromebooks the future is here.

  9. To me this means you can not stop at the limits break them and achieve great things.

  10. We got something we have always wanted.
